A company with employees from abroad often faces difficulties in establishing a successful remote culture. After all, you want to offer your employees a pleasant working environment. Just like it is normally done in a physical office. However, for remote workers, it is more difficult to establish a remote culture that fits everybody’s needs. Therefore, it is important to look into management techniques that can help your company build a great remote work culture. If your employees feel engaged and heard, it will result in a successful business. We will help you with this by providing 6 management techniques that will help you build a great work culture!
Choose the best communication platforms
A fully remote company does not have an office. This means that all the communication between colleagues takes place online. To give your remote culture a boost, your remote working management should carefully choose the best communication platforms. Consider a platform for chats and video calls, such as Teemyco. This platform allows you to create a virtual office: just like a physical office, but online. This allows your employees to easily communicate with each other, and they can see if colleagues are busy or are available for a chat.
Develop work routines
It is good to still have deadlines, team meetings, one-on-one meetings, and brainstorming sessions with your remote team. However, to create a remote culture with employees from all over the world, you must be mindful of the fact that employees are possibly within a different time zone. By organizing meetings during the day as usual, you create a work routine for your employees, and they know what you expect from them. Make sure the times of planned meetings are also feasible for employees in different time zones. Maybe even give them some flexibility with deadlines, for example. This will create a pleasant work culture for employees from abroad. After all, everyone in the company knows what’s expected of them.
Encourage video meetings with the team
Employees who work from home don’t see their colleagues daily. This can create some sort of distance between the employees in your team. That’s why we recommend your remote working management to have team meetings with the camera turned on as the norm. This way, everyone sees each other, and it encourages the involvement of most employees. Another idea is to work with daily or weekly check-ins. During a check-in, everyone can express how they are doing and what they may be struggling with.
Create room for collaboration
Within a remote team, it often takes longer for colleagues to get to know each other better. This is especially the case if each person works on tasks alone. Therefore, give your employees the opportunity to work together. By creating room for collaboration, they can learn more about the work qualities of their colleagues, as well as about each other’s private lives. Since there are no coffee moments in a virtual office, this is a great way to catch up with each other and improve the remote culture. You can also provide platforms through which your employees can collaborate, such as MURAL. This is a platform where your employees can collaborate through a digital whiteboard collaboration space.
Organize team bonding activities
Celebrate moments within the company together as a team, such as birthdays and small achievements. Do this by organizing a virtual office party through a video meeting. You create time for your team to come together and make your employees feel good about being part of the team. Companies with great remote culture are known for their valued employees. Another way to organize team bonding activities is to organize a game night for your remote team. This way they can get to know more about each other in a fun way!
Take cultural differences into account
A remote culture with employees from abroad sometimes needs adjustments from the normal work culture. Every country has another work culture regarding timekeeping, holidays and special occasions. Figure out what’s normal for your employees and try to find a remote culture that suits the needs of your employees. This can result in flexible work hours, customized holidays for every employee and special agreements regarding bereavement and weddings based on someone’s culture.
Companies with a great remote work culture need to think about what’s best for their employees. It all starts with providing ways to communicate and collaborate with each other. Also, organizing a virtual get-together with the team can help with the engagement of employees and getting to know more about cultural work differences from your employees! This way you will create a great remote culture.